Networking, Security & Cloud Knowledge

Friday, December 17, 2021

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure cloud Networking components:

Azure terms used for networking component that my be useful for AZ-900 Foundation or administration exam. 

  1. vNet (Virtual Network):
    • It work like logical network boundary, represents supernet allocated for Azure resource group.
    • Under vNet we can create multiple subnet. Minimum one subnet is required to create vNet.
    • vNet exists with subscription and region and cannot span subscription or region. There is limit for vNet soft limit =50 and hard limit = 500.
    • Routing between subnet in vNet is automatic and enabled by default using System Routes. System route cannot be modified or deleted, but we ca override it using custom route. 
    • Traffic from vNet to azure service is routed via Azure’s backbone network. Rest other traffic (except RFC 1918, RFC 6598) are routed via public internet 
  2. Route table. 
    • Route table are used to route traffic between vNet or another network. 
    • It contain 3 important information, source, destination and next-hop
      • Source = defines who created route (Default / system << Virtual Network Gateway / BGP << UDR (User defined route)
      • Destination : Subnet of destination network
      • Next-hop: 1st hop to reach destination network.
    • Most specific / longest prefix route is preferred, if there are multiple route to same destination than preference is (UDR >> Virtual Network Gateway >> System)
    • Next-hop type: 
      • Virtual network gateway
      • Virtual network (default Azure routing)
      • Internet
      • Virtual appliance (specified VM) 
      • None (black hole / drop traffic) 
  3. Network Security Group (NSG):
    • It acts like FW at network lever used to filter inbound / outbound traffic.
    • It is applied at VM (NIC) level or Subnet level.
  4. Service endpoint:
    • Allows communication from vNet to Azure service (e.g. blob service) 
  5. Application Security Group (ASG) 
    • Help to manage security of VM by grouping them according to the application that run on them. (e.g. Internet >>> webserver >>> app server >>> database server
  6. Azure Firewall and Azure Firewall manager 
    • Azure Firewall is firewall service from Azure and Azure Firewall manager is used to manage it.
    • Azure Firewall manager support secured virtual hub and hub virtual network. 
  7. Bastion host:
    • Node used as jump server, jump box or remote server host for client coming from internet.
  8. NAT Gateay
    • Network address translator 
  9. Azure DNS 
    • DNS service from Azure 
  10. Azure load balance. 
    • Used to balance network traffic / session load between group of servers.
    • There are public (external) and private (internal) load balancer. 
  11. Application Gateway : 
    • It works like L7 load balancer and can used path-based routing. 
  12. WAF (Web application Firewall) 
    • Used to protect web application use along with Application gateway.
  13. Azure traffic manager: a. Used as DR / HA solution to route traffic between different region.
  14. Express route:
    • Dedicated 10Gig connectivity to Azure cloud using private network via express route provider. 
  15. VPN Gateway: 
    • Allows to connect remote site (Site-to-Site) or user (Point-to-site) vpn 
  16. Local network gateway: 
    • Network object that represent on-premises location, used while configure VPN gateway.
  17. Virtual WAN
    • Form of HUB which allows to interconnect all vNet and on-premises site or remote user. 
  18.  vNet peering:
    • allows routing traffic between two vNet using Microsoft backbone network infrastructure
  19. Gateway transit:
    •  Allows vpn hub to forward traffic from spoke
  20. Azure FrontDoor: 
    • Microsoft global edge network that acts like entry-point to access hosted resource (Azure / on-premises) from public internet.
  21. Azure private link: 
    • Allow access to Azure service using private address space.
  22.  Azure private link service. 
    • Allows communication between resource from two vNet / network hosted in Azure using overlapping private ip

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